
Massive Swift Fuels STC   [Aero News Network - VIDEO]

Posted on March 11th, 2020

Swift Fuels has just announced that the company has slashed the price of its UL94 Avgas STC  to $100 for each piston aircraft. Swift Fuels is also rolling-out its new "FOREVER" Avgas STC certificate to all Avgas STC purchasers which entitles the holder to receive all future Avgas STC's issued by the FAA to Swift Fuels for specific aircraft and piston engines at no extra charge -- Forever!

So, buyers get the UL94 Unleaded Avgas STC and the Forever Avgas STC certificate - together for $100. Swift Fuels is offering the FOREVER Avgas STC certificate to every pilot and aircraft owner in the US and Canadian piston fleet, including all high compression/100-octane aircraft - for only $100.


See the full-legth news report video on YouTube, posted here.

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